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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Room for Special Needs

  When my family was looking for an elementary school for our children to attend, we visited two private schools with the name “Christian” in them.  One of the factors that tipped our decision in favour of the school where our children still attend was the attitude towards students with special needs.  It was clearly a priority to provide support for children with special needs, and there was a room and staff devoted to a quality resource program.  Although our children did not appear to require this kind of support, we were grateful that it existed because you never know what might happen in the future.  We recognize that all children are made in God’s image; when that reality is embraced in our schools, all those present are enriched.
    All students have something to contribute.  Our composting program this year has two special needs student involved.  One of them reminds the others on her team that it is their turn on Wednesdays.  And, on the other side, a gracious sixth grader offered three of her lunch hours to assist a special needs student who wanted to participate in the Grade 5 Scrabble® Tournament.  This helper did not take over, but quietly helped place the tiles and gave guidance on the proper spelling of words.  It’s wonderful to see this mutual support taking place as children grow and mature.

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