Yesterday I was sent an online survey asking my feelings or impressions of the upcoming holiday season. At the end, it informed me that, according to my answers, I value a "Holy Holiday". Apparently over 50% of Americans and over 30% of Canadians feel the same way. For that reason I'd like to share (again) some daily readings and photos for a Holy Holiday.
December 1 The Alpha and Omega
December 2 The Creator
December 3 The Potter
December 4 The Son of God
December 5 The King
December 6 The Prince of Peace
December 7 The Sun of Righteousness
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Friday, 29 November 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Myth Busters: Bible edition
I find it quite
remarkable that although we in the English-speaking world have had the Bible in
the common speech for over 400 years and have so many copies of it in
circulation yet so many myths about it continue to persist. In my Kindergarten class at a Christian
school I also find myself debunking misconceptions and correcting details that
my students have picked up. Here are
just a few examples so that you will understand where I am coming from:
- Adam and Eve’s forbidden fruit is never specified to be an apple. This persistent myth comes from John Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost.”
- Almost every illustration of Noah’s ark in children’s books makes it look like a puny vessel with giraffe heads sticking out of the top. The figures given in Genesis (measured in cubits but with metric or imperial equivalents in the footnotes) indicate that this massive triple decked boat may not have looked much like our modern idea of a ship.
- The Magi or “wise men” were not kings. A Christmas song is to blame here. And although they appear in Nativity scenes, it is almost certain that they arrived weeks or even months after Jesus’ birthday.
Some readers may
wonder why this is such a big deal to me.
If we have the Bible, we ought to read and know what it says. There are many languages and cultures
without access to this sacred text, so how can we justify being sloppy with it?
A related concern
I have is about video versions of the Bible made for children. Since these youngsters do not have the
biblical narrative internalized yet, they are easily deceived into thinking,
“It happened this way because I saw it in the movie.” Film makers, who try to jazz up the stories by adding chocolate
bunnies, sheep that tip over and nicknames for biblical characters, actually do
a disservice to biblical literacy for the youngest viewers. While older children and adults can
understand the divergence from the main story line, four and five-year-olds
Sharing Bible
stories accurately is a responsibility I take seriously. I don’t want to add to mythology!
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Dating Advice from Yesteryear
I am not posting this excerpt from my maternal
grandmother’s memoirs (dated 1997) as a way of deriding her way of thinking. On the contrary, I see that so much misery
can be avoided when men and women place genuine commitment ahead of sexual
intimacy. She and my grandfather loved each other and reached the milestone of 50 years of marriage.
I was married in
Maassluis on May 19, 1932, and the pastor who led the church service was named
Rev. Rieberg. Our wedding text was John
2:2, “And Jesus was also a guest [at the wedding].” It is a beautiful wedding text when we can also invite the Lord
Jesus to our wedding. We can certainly
have wonderful celebrations and also a wedding, but everything we do needs to
be done with the spirit that Jesus will be present there. We can be joyful, but we must remember that
not just “anything goes.”
Mrs. VanLien, for
whom I had previously worked, gave me the right kind of advice in the area of
relationships. She would say, “Child,
when you are going out with a man, there are some things you should set
boundaries around.” She also said that
if you want to get married properly and with purity and you grow closer
together, you still need to say, “No” to certain activities.
“Child, it is much
better to get married in purity, even if all you have is a table and four
chairs. Later on, that young man will
be so grateful that you did not compromise,” she continued.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Slow Cooker Granola/Muesli
I thank my sister-in-law for introducing me to this easy way of making granola. The oven method I had used previously deterred me from making it often.
Slow Cooker Granola/Muesli
Slow Cooker Granola/Muesli
7 cups of large flake rolled oats (if you have other flakes on hand, you can use them too)
2 cups of mixed seeds and chopped nuts (includes almonds, coconut, sunflower seeds, etc)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup liquid sweetener (honey, maple syrup or brown sugar with 2 Tbsp of water to liquefy)
salt to taste (I don't usually add any)
Mix all together into ungreased slow cooker and turn on HIGH for 45 minutes. Stir. Reduce to LOW power for 30 minutes (or less if you see the edges turning more than golden brown).
Add chopped apricots, raisins or other dried fruits to taste and stir in. Once cooled, store in an air tight container and enjoy.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
The Stone that Grew: A Cautionary Tale
This is based on a true story, which brought home to me as a child the difference between fiction and falsehood.
It all started
with a pebble I found in the grass at school.
I was bored, so I kept throwing the stone into the air and catching it.
All of a sudden a
younger student named Sally walked over and asked me what I had in my
hand. Before I knew it, I started a
story. “It is a seed,” I said to her.
“I don’t believe
you,” countered Sally.
“Well, I was just
on my way to plant the seed. You can
watch me if you like.” I dug a small
hole at the edge of the schoolyard. As
Sally looked on, I gently lowered the seed into it and packed the dirt tightly.
“Well, it still
isn’t a seed,” Sally insisted.
My story had to
expand. “We will see tomorrow--” I said
mysteriously, “a tree will grow.”
After supper that
night, I went to my backyard to cut a branch from one of the tall trees. Then I rushed off to place it in the correct
At recess the next
day it was Sally who ran to me full of excitement. “You were right! It did
grow,” she said breathlessly. “I
thought trees grow very slowly,” Sally added.
“Oh, but this is no
ordinary tree,” I said under compulsion.
“It is a magic tree that grants wishes.
Why don’t you make a wish?”
“O.K., I’ll wish
for money,” said Sally.
“Close your eyes
and wait for the tree to get ready,” I said.
Meanwhile I
searched my pockets for coins.
None. All I had were some
licorice candies (Dutch dropjes) in the shape of pennies. I arranged them on the tree and told Sally
to open her eyes.
Original art by author |
“This is money,
but it is candy money,” I replied. “Try
one,” I suggested.
But the tasted was
strong, and Sally did not like it.
Growing heartless, I told Sally that she had to eat one or else the tree
would not grant any more of her wishes.
After she had
finished the candy, she said, “What about real money?”
“Well, the tree is
very young. It can only grant one wish
per day. You can ask for real money
tomorrow…. Oh, and don’t tell your mom or dad about the tree because something
bad might happen.” My tall tale was
getting taller.
To get ready for
the next day, I gathered dimes and nickels so that the tree could give them to
Sally. I also cut a bigger branch to
replace the original “tree” because the leaves were beginning to droop.
The next morning I
arrived at school early, but Sally and her mother were there waiting for
With a stern look,
Mrs. Lambert called out my name, “Harriette.”
The way she accented the first part of the name made me feel she was
calling a boy. “I need to talk to
you. Sally could not sleep last night
and would not tell me why. She said she
could not tell about a wish-tree. Why
did you make up such a thing? It scared
her.” Her fierce eyes awaited my
Instead of saying
that it all started with a pebble, I lied again, “I wanted to give Sally
things, and this was the only way I could.”
Original art by author |
Mrs. Lambert’s
face told me she did not believe me; I turned away ashamed.
My stone
that grew could grow no more, and my story had come to an end.Thursday, 7 November 2013
Shopping as Investing
If you know me at all, you know I don’t particularly enjoy
shopping. I’d rather give money away
than spend it on myself. When I need
something (and my definition of need is rather Spartan), I look at my shopping
trip as a type of investment. Let me
Shopping as an investment in my community. I try to shop close to home, supporting
businesses that are more likely to employ fellow residents of my city. I try to purchase items that are made in
Canada whenever possible, even if that means the price is higher or if it takes
more effort. I was shopping for winter
boots on Monday night but went home empty-handed because all I could find was
“Made in China.” (For the full story of
my last pair of winter boots, see my post from last March.) Two days later I tried a different store and was successful in finding a pair made for the Canadian climate by a Canadian manufacturer.
Shopping as an investment in people. Shopping can easily become an impersonal transaction. Consider the trend towards shopping in which there is no face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with another human
being. I recall hearing that my
grandfather used to do all the shopping for his family at the general
store. He presented his list and the
proprietor would gather the items for him and have a chat at the same
time. When the general store in the
village closed down and he was forced to shop at a self-serve grocery store in
town, he literally could not cope with the impersonal nature of the experience. My grandmother, who did not know how to
drive, was chauffeured to the supermarket and began making the purchases from
then on. To invest in people, I do not
shop online. I try to have
conversations with the salespeople and show appreciation for their work.
Shopping as an investment in a product. I am not at all interested in disposable
things. Rather, I am looking for things
that will last a long time whether it is footwear, a furnace or furniture. By purchasing things that will last, not
just for me but for others who might use the item after me, I am trying to
avoid waste of resources both monetary and material.
Please leave a comment if any of these types of “investment”
are part of your shopping experiences.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Why the Arts Matter
In the past few days three things came together for me regarding "the arts." First, I finished reading a book entitled Simply
Christian in which author and theologian Tom Wright introduces the subject
of faith by sharing some universal longings and experiences that point to
something beyond themselves. One of
these is the experience of beauty, whether in the world of nature or in music,
visual art or photography.
Secondly, the
night I finished reading this book I was seated in the balcony of a concert
hall awaiting the performance of a symphony orchestra. When the lights dimmed and I set the book
aside, I experienced the beauty of strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion
working together to make meaningful sounds.
The modern composer John Williams, whose work is featured in the
soundtracks of well-known films since the mid 1970’s, had his signature on all
of the music played that night. In
particular, the pieces were taken from
films in which Williams collaborated with director Steven Spielberg. I have never heard a clarinet played with
such grace and energy as in “Victor’s Tale” from the movie The Terminal. In spite of myself, I closed my eyes for the
“Theme” from Jurassic Park.
Although I had not previously watched many of the films that were presented
musically it was nevertheless a rich experience of beauty. Regardless of what Williams may believe
about God, I sensed the glory of God as I listened to this music.
Third, my family
and I watched (in two segments) the film Mr. Holland’s Opus. What struck me about this production was
that when cuts had to be made to a high school’s program because of limited
funds, music and arts programs were slashed.
The way in which the music teacher, Glenn Holland, is honoured at the
end of the story shows that music and art are not “frills” that an academic
education can do without. By helping
them become proficient in playing an instrument or teaching them to appreciate
different styles of music, he was teaching them about life.
Coming back to
author Tom Wright, he likewise sees a place for the arts within Christian
belief and living. He says,
“They [the arts] are highways into
the centre of a reality which cannot be glimpsed, let alone grasped, any other
While people need to specialize today to get jobs in
engineering, IT, management, finance, and medicine, let them continue to
nourish themselves with the things that remind us we are human: good
literature, art, music, film, drama, and worship.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Beyond Random Acts of Kindness
This is a re-post of something I wrote in January about counter-cultural giving. Since today is Random Act of Kindness Day where I reside, I thought it may be worth a second look.
Sometimes giving becomes a fad in our culture. The phrases “pay it forward” and “random
acts of kindness” are jazzy and capture the public’s imagination to do
something nice for people they do not know.
Because these forms of giving are considered random they appear
to be easy to tack onto your already busy life. Excitement is created as we celebrate Pay it Forward Day on April
25 and Random Act of Kindness Day (today where I live). The irony, of course, is that what had been
called random is now planned or expected.
giving is more than a fad. It needs to
be present every day of the year and is motivated not by a cool concept but a
loving heart. To be consistent and
sustainable, our giving needs to be rooted in God, whose generosity to us is
beyond measure.
One of my
nieces in Alberta felt led to organize a Random Acts of Kindness Party to celebrate her birthday last fall. She and her friends gave out
oranges, chocolates, gift cards and cash to community workers as well as to unsuspecting strangers. This outpouring
of giving did not come about because it was trendy but because God had first
given love and the capacity for caring to my niece and her friends. When her party ended, it was neither the
beginning nor the end of her lifestyle of giving.
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